Serving Western KY and TN

Moving, remodeling, or just clearing the clutter? Let us ease the hassle of self-storage by delivering a container directly to your location!

Book online using our rental portal and get your project underway. Browse available units, rent, or reserve today. Easy Move-it!
Already a customer? Sign in to manage your account. Make payments, order supplies, request a pick-up or relocation.
Why Use Easy Move Mobile Storage?
Convenient Self Storage

Why load and unload your things multiple times? Easy Move Mobile Storage containers are delivered to your location with no more extra trips to a storage unit or need for truck rental. We can help you eliminate wasted labor and save time!
Having the container at ground level is not only convenient but makes moving easier and safer.

Moving On Your Schedule
30-day rental periods allow you to load your possessions at your convenience, hassle-free! You can keep your container as long as you need and we can even move it to another location, empty or full.
Off-site storage is also available, your locked container can be securely stored at our facility.

Peace Of Mind
Remodeling or moving can be a headache!
Your possessions shouldn't be miles from you in a storage facility. Easy Move Mobile Storage containers are a convenient and secure
weather-proof solution.
Our lockable containers can hold up to 10,000 lbs and withstand 120 MPH winds. The containers are made with durable steel construction and weather sealed double doors for added security and ease of use.